When I was in Amsterdam, I just had to check out the Red Light District. It’s a famous place after all, and it only keeps growing in popularity with every passing year. Every day, tourists flock here to catch a glimpse of the scandalous things they’ve heard about. Despite it being so well-known, I think you may find a few things about it surprising.
Here are some interesting facts about this area:

1.It’s Almost Invisible During the Day
Even though it’s open 24/7, the most popular time to visit The Red Light District is definitely at night. That’s when it really comes to life and becomes its famous self. If you’ve seen the movie Spirited Away, it reminds me of the time that abandoned ghost town comes to life with spirits. On my first visit to Amsterdam, I passed by this place multiple times without even realizing it! During the day, it just blends in so well with the rest of the city that it’s almost invisible.
Fun Fact: The Red Light District is also a residential area with over 4,000 residents. Some people even live here with their families.
2. It’s Pretty Safe
Despite it being a pretty gritty area back in the day, now, The Red Light District is a tourist hotspot. Every evening, it’s filled with hoards of visitors. Because of the nature and popularity of the area, the streets are lined with cameras and undercover cops.
Also, the sex workers themselves have their own safety measures. Their rooms are equipped with entrance cameras and panic buttons.
3. The Blue Lights
The Red Light District doesn’t only have red light windows; it also has blue light windows. If you’re wondering what this means, it’s to signify that the lady behind the glass is transgender.
4. The Sex Workers Can Refuse Service
That’s right, the sex workers are self-employed and can choose who they want to do business with. They have the right to refuse service to anyone, for any reason. Because of how busy The Red Light District gets, they have the option of being a bit selective. Also, there is no fixed price for services and there’s usually room for negotiation. Most often, negotiation starts at €50 and changes depending on the customer and what they’re asking for.
5. It Is Taboo to Photograph the Workers
As you can imagine, a lot of the sex workers at The Red Light District lead double lives. Many of them keep their job hidden from even their closest friends. So it is veryy frowned upon to take photos of them. If they see you doing this, there is a high chance they will confront you and ask you to delete the photo..some might even yell.