Las Vegas is a city filled with eccentricities, that’s what makes it so wonderful. Here are a few things that immediately stood out to me:

1.You Have to Pay for Photos
You have to pay to take photos with the people in costumes; don’t assume they’re doing it out of the kindness of their hearts! The standard rate is $20 per photo. My friend actually agreed to take a photo with these two men dressed in superhero costumes and they asked for $20, so definitely make sure you’re willing to pay before agreeing to a snap.

2. Slot Machines Everywhere!
There are slot machines almost everywhere! There were even slot machines in the airport when we arrived.

3. Car Advertisements
There are cars that drive around the Strip with advertisements wrapped around them. The owners of these cars actually get paid to advertise various things on their cars! So you’ll see ads for Las Vegas shows and sometimes even ads for escort services.

4. Collectable Escort Cards
Speaking of advertisements, you know how Las Vegas has legal prostitution? Well, there are people that walk around the Strip and hand out escorts’ business cards! You’d be surprised how many little old ladies I’ve seen doing this. They were so easy to get, that one of my male friends even started collecting them!

5. Long Walking Distances and No Crosswalks
There is a large road separating the two sides of the Strip. Make sure you’re on the right side of it, because there are long distances between pedestrian crossings. The Strip isn’t just a regular avenue, it is filled with giant hotels, so it takes a longer time than you’d think to walk across it!