Going to Europe can be an exciting time, filled with joy and high expectations. You can get so caught up in the fantasy aspect of it (which you should, it’s Europe!), that you forget some of the more practical details. Don’t fret, I’ve made a list of easily forgettable, but obvious (in hindsight) things you should pack on your next euro-trip.

1.European Power Adaptor
This is a crucial thing that many people overlook! European power sockets are different from the ones in North America. Most of Europe has the same power socket design, except for the UK and Ireland, which has their own. Having something to charge your phone with is important. Luckily, you can buy them at many airports and train stations, and even some convenience stores! Though, buying a universal power adaptor online is a lot cheaper, so I would suggest planning ahead.
2. European SIM card
Okay, this one depends on how long you’re staying in Europe for. If it’s a short stay, you could call your phone company and get a short-term travel plan. But if you plan on staying for a couple months at least, then I would suggest getting a European SIM card. They are often the cheaper option and can be found at convenience and travel stores. The best part is that you can refill some of them with cash, all you have to do is go to a local convenience store and top it up. Vodafone is one of the most popular phone providers in Europe.
3. Portable Charger
In Europe, you’ll be doing a lot of walking and sightseeing. Some days you will be out all day, so it’s important to have something to charge your phone with, especially if you are in a strange city and your life source is your phone’s Google Maps. Portable chargers can be found in a variety of stores; I bought mine at a store called Flying Tiger Copenhagen. It’s a chain that sells affordable chargers and travel supplies; very popular for travelers in Europe.
4. Padlock
Hostels are a great place to meet new people and save money. But you will often be sharing a room with people you don’t know, so locking up your valuables will give you peace of mind. Just a simple padlock is all you need, most hostel rooms have lockers.
5. Collapsible Water Bottle
When traveling, you’ll be outside a lot. Bringing a collapsible water bottle would be a lot more economical than constantly buying plastic water bottles and throwing them away. Or worse, carrying around a clunky metal water bottle. With a collapsible water bottle, you could simply fold it and place it into your purse when you’re done. Countries like Italy have fresh water fountains everywhere! So accessing water is easy.
6. Foldable Toothbrush
You can buy foldable toothbrushes at a variety of supermarkets and stores. They take up less room and are a great way to protect the bristles of your brush from bacteria, without needing a plastic covering.
7. Travel Sized Shampoo and Conditioner
A travel sized shampoo and conditioner take up a lot less room in your backpack/suitcase, so it’s a no brainer to bring these items with you!
8. Face Cleansing Wipes
After a long day of exploring the area, or even enjoying a night out, you’ll probably come back exhausted. Face wipes are a quick and easy way to take off any sweat or makeup before going to bed.